Town of Pendleton

CWS provides O&M services for the Pendleton-Clemson Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant – a 2 MGD Activated Sludge facility with clarification, UV disinfection, land application of biosolids. The regional facility serves Anderson County, the Town of Pendleton, and the City of Clemson.  The project services includes staffing, pretreatment program administration and sampling, storm water permit administration […]

Laurens Co. Water & Sewer Commission

CWS is providing professional services to manage, operate, and maintain the LCWSC potable water treatment facility and raw water intake on a 24/7 basis. The treatment plant features ozone pre-treatment for taste and odor, upflow clarification (Superpulsator), multimedia filtration (Greenleaf filters), two 750,000-gallon clearwells and high service pump station. Treatment operations are conducted from a […]