CWS Launched New CWS Managers Academy

As one of our strategic initiatives is to develop and retain talent, ClearWater Solutions launched its new CWS Managers Academy. The first session of the 2-day course was held this week with Katie Hill, CWS Director of Training, coordinating the online classes. More than 50 managers participated. The topics, led by individual company leaders, included: […]
CWS Awards Scholarships to Graduating Seniors

As part of our company’s strategic initiatives, ClearWater Solutions seeks to champion community, giving back to the communities in which we serve. One such way we do this is through our CWS Scholarship Program. This year, CWS’s scholarship program recognized 15 deserving graduates from schools throughout our company’s footprint. Since 2019, CWS has been awarding […]
Swainsboro Facility Receives Gold Award…Again

During the Swainsboro City Council meeting on July 10th, Gary McCoy, the Vice President of the Georgia Association of Water Professionals, presented the prestigious Wastewater Treatment Gold Award to CWS for the City of Swainsboro for the second consecutive year. This award signifies that the City’s Water Pollution Control Facility, managed by ClearWater Solutions, achieved […]
Wadhams Promoted to Florida State Director

Congratulations to Keanu Wadhams on being promoted to the title of Florida State Director! Keanu previously served as the Area Manager, Private Division, in Florida where he provided oversight to the wastewater and drinking water operations of 36 Central States Water Resources (CSWR) facilities. “I am looking forward to building a team that will work […]
Schwab Joins Team as EVP of Business Development

CWS is excited to announce that Ed Schwab has joined CWS as our new Executive Vice President of Business Development. Ed brings over 40 years in water and wastewater utility operations and management experience to CWS. He has a proven track record of working with clients to build strong partnerships that deliver value for many […]
CWS of Swainsboro puts in work for the Swainsboro Pine Tree Festival

The CWS team in Swainsboro, GA put in the work for the 2024 Pine Tree Festival. They worked tirelessly to guarantee the event’s success, despite the rain! In preparation for the festival, they started working a month in advance. They began changing lamp post banners, upgrading various areas with new brickwork, hanging lights and banners, […]
CWS Facility in Swainsboro Wins Gold Award

The City of Swainsboro’s Yam Grandy Water Pollution Control Plant has been awarded the Wastewater Facility Gold Award for 2023 – the second time in as many years – by the Georgia Association of Water Professionals. The Gold Award recognizes facilities operated by utility or corporate members that had no national pollutant discharge elimination system or […]
Bonomo Hired as Director of Pretreatment Compliance

ClearWater Solutions now has a new Director of Pretreatment Compliance. Adam Bonomo began work with the company in mid-February. Adam is a graduate of The University of Tennessee where he received his Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering. Having spent nearly 6 years working in pretreatment, his strong regulatory background, ample experience with pretreatment regulations […]
Jordon DiVincenti is Promoted to Louisiana State Director

After previously serving as Director of Operations for private utilities, Jordon has been promoted to the new title of State Director of Louisiana for private utilities, as of March 18th. Jordon has been with the company for over 3 years, functioning in a similar role for about 2 years. Jordon’s nearly 20 years of management, […]
Addition of New Chief Financial Officer – Shannon Barwick

ClearWater Solutions is excited to announce the addition of a new Chief Financial Officer to our team. Mr. Shannon Barwick joined ClearWater Solutions this week on Monday, April 15th. Shannon is a proven finance organization leader with over 25 years of finance and accounting experience in multiple industries, including both large multi-billion dollar publicly traded […]